About the Project

This was my first internship, during Summer 2023, and it was a really good maiden voyage into the professional world of game development. I got to work on Airstrafe Interactive's first game: Saleblazers, which is a multiplayer, RPG, shopkeeing, survival game. It's a really ingenuitive genre that I haven't seen attempted before, so I'm really excited to see how it's received. It's currently in its Early Access release, so please check it out on Steam!

My Contribution

I programmed a great amount of functionality tied to optimization of the game and increasing the frame rate. My first task was to create a Unity tool for generating a texture atlas and then applying UV offsetting to all of the applicable meshes in order to reduce the number of draw calls. I also worked with the sound designer to singlehandedly implement a new audio system to play water sounds based on shoreline proximity and type of body of water. After that, I dedicated my time to building another Unity tool that would transfer over 15,000 scene files to the Unity Addressables system to lower build time. I also set up 2 Jenkins Build Jobs, one to create a Mac build of the game and one to upload that build to Steam. Finally, I implemented some animation-related functionality: making the upper body of the player to stay aimed at the cross hair at the center of the screen while they aimed down the sights of the gun.Β 

All in all, it was a really fun experience and I learned a lot technically, as well as manegerially by watching my supervisors and fellow colleagues. I also got a really unique experience that I don't think I would get anywhere else: I got to interview a new programming candidate, which was great practice for my public speaking skills.